
Generating Jobs is the act of creating jobs from your predefined Shifts & Rosters.

  1. Shifts are created to define the requirements of the job needing to be done.
  2. Rosters are created to house your shifts & organise them into a week’s worth of work for a staff member.
  3. Roster groups can be created to organise your rosters even further into rosters per depot for example, or school holiday rosters vs school term rosters, permanent, part time & casual rosters based on the individual requirements of your business.
  4. Rotating roster groups can be created to shuffle drivers through different rosters every week.
  5. Generating jobs is how you create the jobs, from your shifts, rosters & roster groups.


Generating jobs

The process of generating jobs from your shifts and rosters can take several minutes to run and is therefore batched into a background operation each time it is run.

Viewing the generate jobs operations

To view the previous times the generate jobs operation has run, navigate to OperationsTop TasksGenerate Jobs

The list on the Generate Jobs page shows each of the previous operations with the following information:

Generating new jobs

To generate new jobs:

  1. Navigate to OperationsTop TasksGenerate JobsTop TasksGenerate New Jobs.

  2. Select the date range for the jobs that you would like to generate.

    Note: To generate jobs on a single day, the start & end dates should be the same.

    Note: Rosters that are part of a rotating roster group can only be generated for a single working week. If the date range spans more than a working week, those rosters will be unavailable.

  3. Add the rosters to be generated using the + Add Roster, + Add Roster Group and + Add All Roster buttons at the bottom of the rosters list.

    Note: A roster can only be added once to the Generate New Jobs page. Those that have already been added will appear greyed out in the drop down list of rosters to choose from.

    Note: you can generate rotating and non-rotating rosters together as long as the date range doesn’t span over multiple weeks.

    Note: Rotating rosters are indicated by the rotating icon 🔄.

    Note: If the date range spans over a working week, you will not be able to generate jobs for rotating rosters, and therefore will see **+ Add All Non Rotating Rosters instead of + Add All Rosters.

  4. Optionally allocate, change or clear the allocated staff member next to each roster.

  5. Click Submit to start the generation.

    Note: You will be returned to the Generate Jobs page where you will be able to observe the status of your job generation as it progresses from scheduled to in progress & finally to either succeeded or failed.


    Note: If you have added rosters that are part of a rotating roster group, and then change the working week, you will be required to click the ‘Recalculate’ button which will update the assigned staff member’s based on their newly calculated positions.

When generate jobs fails

Job generations can fail for a number of reasons, most commonly the failures will be caused by either a fatigue related issue, a driver not having the required skill spec for a shift contained in one of the rosters or a driver not having clearance to drive a certain vehicle allocated to one of the shifts, due to that vehicle being on their Vehicle Restrictions list. If a generation attempt fails, the reasons will be shown in the Fail Details column.


Edit & retry a failed generation

Clicking on the operation number from the Generate Jobs page will open the Maintain Generate Jobs page which allows you to view and edit the details of the job generation. If a generation has failed, you can edit the details using the edit ✏ button to remove a shift or driver in order for the generation to proceed. Once you’ve made the required changes, click Submit to attempt the generation again. There is no limit to the number of times you can open a failed generation, make changes & try again.

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Generating Jobs on a Public Holiday

If a public holiday falls within the date range you’ve selected to generate jobs, only the shifts that have ‘Runs on a Public Holiday’ set to yes, will be generated on that day.

Here is an example of running Sunday services on Public Holidays.

You may have a set of shifts that run Monday to Friday, another set of shifts that run on Saturdays and a set of shifts that run on Sundays.

The Sunday shifts would have ‘Runs on a Public Holiday’ set to yes while all of the Monday to Friday and the Saturday shifts have ‘Runs on a Public Holiday’ set to no.

If you select a date range that includes a Public Holiday, only the Sunday shifts with ‘Runs on a Public Holiday’ set to yes, will be generated on that day.

If there are staff members allocated to the rosters that contain the Sunday shifts, the staff member will be allocated on the Sunday but will be removed on the Public Holiday. The Public Holiday jobs will be generated blank. This is to prevent the Sunday driver automatically being allocated the Sunday shift and the Public Holiday shift in the same week.

Deleting all jobs created from a job generation.

If a mistake is made & jobs are generated on the wrong week or generated twice for the same time period for example, it may be necessary to delete all jobs created from that generation.