
Rosters can be used to combine the predefined shifts into a template for a weeks worth of jobs for one staff member.

You can combine multiple shift types when creating your rosters. For example, you can create a roster with an AM urban shift combined with a PM school shift.

Rosters can also be added into roster groups which allows you to group certain rosters together to streamline generating jobs.

🧠 Learn more about **Shifts, Roster Groups** and Generating Jobs.

⚠️ Warning: The system allows you to add shifts to a roster that will create jobs that conflict with one another. During the generating of jobs, these conflicts will be automatically accepted.


Roster fields

Roster Number - is the unique identifier for a roster. When generating jobs, you will be prompted to select the roster number(s).

❕Note: Even though the name is β€˜Roster Number’, the value you define does not have to be just numerical. It does have to be unique though.

Roster Group - Allows you to allocate the roster to a roster group.

❕Note: A roster can only be added to one roster group. To change a roster from one roster group to another, click on the roster group in edit mode and select the new roster group from the dropdown.

❕Note: To add a roster to a rotating roster group, you will need to create the roster first and then add it to the rotating roster group from the Manage Roster Group page.

Staff Member - allows you to specify the staff member that will be allocated to the jobs created from this roster.

πŸ’‘ Recommendation: If staff members rotate which roster they perform each week, leave the staff member field blank on the roster and define their rotation within the roster group on the Manage Roster Group page.

Shifts - is where you specify the shift(s) you want included as part of this roster and which days of the week each shift will be generated.

Creating a roster

  1. Navigate to Operations β†’ Rosters.

  2. Click βž• in the header to add a new roster.

  3. On the Create a Roster page, enter the relevant roster details as outlined above.

    ❕Note: All fields marked with * are required.

    ❕Note: Roster number must be unique.

    ❕Note: You must provide at least 1 shift and at least 1 day of the week must be specified per shift.

  4. Once you have entered all the required information, click Submit.


Viewing rosters

  1. Navigate to Operations β†’ Rosters.

  2. Find the roster you want to view using the search tool πŸ” to narrow the results.

  3. Click the roster number to open the Manage Roster page.


Editing rosters

  1. From the Manage Roster page, click the edit icon ✏ in the header.

  2. Make the appropriate changes to the details of the roster.

    ❕Note: If changing the roster number, the new number must be unique.

  3. To save the changes, click Submit.

Deleting a roster

  1. From the Manage Roster page, select Delete Roster from the Triple Dot Menu.

  2. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed with deleting the roster. If so, Click Ok.

    ❕Note: Deleting a roster does not affect any of the shifts that were defined within this roster. Also, jobs that have been generated from the roster that you are deleting will remain in place.

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