⚠️ This is a frequently updated document, If there is a question you need answering that isn’t answered here, Feel free to contact us: [email protected]

Rosters FAQ

Can I generate jobs multiple times for the same days / same week?

Yes you can. The system will not restrict you in any way from generating rosters multiple times during the same time period.

Do I need to wait on the generate jobs page until it’s finished creating the jobs?

No you don’t need to wait. You can close the page or switch to another tab & continue with other work if you like. When you submit, the generate jobs operation runs a batch process in the background, so feel free to continue doing anything else while it generates. Once complete, the status will change from “Scheduled” to either “Failed” or “Succeeded.”

How do I know if a jobs generation batch failed?

There is a tile on the Operations page that will show failed job generations. The number indicating the failed generation attempt will remain on this tile until you click the Acknowledge action or go into the failed generation, fix whatever was wrong and generate again.


What happens if my roster generation fails?

If a jobs generation attempt fails - all jobs from that batch will fail, no jobs will be created. If that happens you can open the failed generation attempt, see the reasons for the failure, make the appropriate changes & try again.

Do I have to make a new generate jobs batch if my current one fails?

No, you can go into the setup of a previous batch & make adjustments, then rerun the batch to try again. You may need to swap out a driver due to fatigue or not having the required skill spec. Make those changes & then rerun the same batch.

What If the staff member allocated to a roster I’m generating is unavailable during the period I’m looking to generate jobs for?

When you add a roster into a jobs generation batch, the staff member allocated to that roster will be shown on the Generate New Jobs screen. It’s a good idea to check staff leave before you generate jobs so that you can swap any drivers out who are on leave for the entire period.

Can I accidentally assign a job to an inappropriate staff member.

If you attempt to generate a roster with a shift that requires a specific skill Spec, and the person you allocate doesn’t have that Skill Spec, the generation attempt will fail and present an explanation at the top of the screen. If you remove that person from the roster they don’t have the Skill Spec for, or that person gets that Skill Spec ticked as a yes, the generation will be able to proceed.

What will happen if I generate a roster with shifts for a staff member that results in jobs that overlap with other jobs / conflicts?

If jobs overlap with other jobs from the same batch generation, the conflict will be automatically accepted by the system. The system assumes that you have planned out your rosters with consideration for any possible overlaps & deemed them as acceptable.

Jobs generated that result in overlaps with jobs that already existed in the system & aren’t or weren’t part of the same job generation will appear in the system as unaccepted conflicts.

Do the rosters automatically rotate staff members?

Rosters can be assigned to roster groups. Roster groups can be defined as rotating or non rotating roster groups. Rotating roster groups will automatically rotate staff to the next roster in line, each week.

🧠To learn more about roster groups, click here

Tablets FAQ

The tablet won’t turn on.

Hold the power button down for a full 5 seconds, If it still doesn’t turn on, the battery might not have enough power. Switch the bus on to charge the battery or remove the tablet from the bus & charge it before trying again.

Note: The tablet battery should be getting charged while the vehicle is switched on, if the vehicle has been driven recently & the battery is still low, there may be a problem with the cradle or the charging system that should be checked by workshop.

A driver can’t find their job.

A tablet has stopped communicating with the server.

To see the last time the tablet communicated with the server, navigate to the Operations > Authorised Devices page under the configuration menu, search for the device by name & check the ‘Last seen on’ column for the day & time the tablet last communicated. If the tablet has stopped communicating there are a few simple steps to try before escalating the situation to tech support.

The Operations > Jobs page shows a different job status to what the driver tells you is on the tablet screen.

This may happen if the tablet loses internet connectivity or if the tablet’s status update can’t be received by the server. The failed status updates will be held in the tablet’s memory until such time as it regains internet connectivity or a forced sync takes place.

Stuck Statuses, Check Sync Queues, Force Sync

The check for any status updates that are “stuck” inside the tablet & haven’t made it to the server;

A driver can’t complete pre-departure checks.

Most commonly, they’ve ticked no to something that needs to be yes to proceed, or they’ve missed an item on the checklist.

The screen is not responding to the driver’s button press attempts.

Because of the way the tablet is mounted and because the driver’s arm is usually fully outstretched, it’s common for either the tablet or the driver’s finger to move slightly after it touches the screen; if that happens, the tablet thinks the driver is trying to scroll rather than tap. Drivers are tapping the screen with their fingernails rather than their fingers. Drivers are holding their fingers on buttons rather than a quick tap.

The driver can only see yesterday’s job but can’t see today’s jobs.

The driver didn’t sign out yesterday, so he saw yesterday's job when he opened the tablet. Hit the REFRESH button or sign out & in again to see today’s jobs.

The Tablet is asking for an authentication code.

The Tablets store their authentication as a cookie on the device which will expire 30 days after the tablet's last login. The device can also delete this cookie which is saved in a temporary folder when another application on the device requires the temporary storage space. Using device management software to block these actions is recommended if your devices constantly requires re-authentication.

Fatigue FAQ

What is Driver Managed fatigue

If a job gets identified as a driver managed fatigue job, that means that the system doesn’t have enough information about the breaks the driver is going to have in that job to determine whether or not the driver will remain compliant with the fatigue regulations. Once scheduled breaks have been added to the job, the system can use those scheduled breaks to determine compliance.

If the total length of the job exceeds 17 hours for single driver jobs or 19 hours for two up, that job will be marked as driver managed until such time as either scheduled breaks are added or the job is completed. Once scheduled breaks are added or the job is completed, the driver managed flag is removed. In the case of the job being completed, the breaks recorded in the tablet will be imported into the job & will be used to determine compliance.

Why 17/19 hours ?

Drivers on a single driver job, must have 7 hours of continuous rest in any 24 hour period. In order for a driver to have 7 hours rest, the maximum working time in a 24 hour period is 17 hours 17+7=24

Drivers on a two up job, must have 5 hours of continuous rest in any 24 hour period. In order for a two up driver to have 5 hours rest, the maximum working time in a 24 hour period is 19 hours 19+5=24

🧠 Learn more about Driver Managed Fatigue

🧠 Learn more about Scheduled Breaks