
Central ops has the option to enable SMS functionality, allowing you to communicate with your staff in a convenient and simple way.


Your company must have a Twilio account to use this feature. To create an account and review pricing for this service click on the link below.

SMS Pricing in Australia for Text Messaging | Twilio

Sending an SMS

  1. Navigate to People → SMS.

  2. Click the ➕ in the header to create a new SMS message.

  3. Enter the message in the SMS field.

    1. Note: Message length is limited to 160 characters
  4. Select the staff members you would like to send the message to using one of the following options:

    1. Select individual staff members from the dropdown list.

    2. Select one of the preset staff lists:

      1. + Add All Staff - Adds all currently active staff.
      2. + Add All Drivers - Adds all staff with a current Drivers Authorisation.
    3. Select staff by role:

      1. Click + Add Staff by Role
      2. Select a role from the dropdown list & click Ok.

      🧠 Learn more about Roles

  5. To remove staff members from the list of recipients, clicking on the blue x next to their name.

  6. Click Submit to send the SMS.

Delivery status

When sending messages to staff, it’s important to know if any of the messages have failed to be delivered so that alternate contact can be made with those staff members.

To view the delivery status of messages:

  1. Navigate to PeopleSMS. By default the list will show messages sent today. Click the filter button to either change the date range, or the delivery status.

  2. The Delivery Status column will show either a successful or failed delivery for each recipient.


Dealing with undelivered messages

Any messages that failed to be delivered will show on the Undelivered SMS tile on the Operations page. Clicking on the tile will take you to the SMS page filtered for failed messages in the last 7 days. The recipients that did not receive the message will have a red exclamation mark against their name. To indicate that the staff member has been contacted via alternate means and remove the failed delivery indicator:

  1. Click the Sent On date from the SMS page for the message you are actioning.
  2. For the recipient you are wanting to update, click the check ✔️ in the Actions column. This will flag the failed recipient as having been notified. ****

On the SMS page, the label will change from “SMS Failed. Please make contact” to “SMS Failed, Staff member has been contacted”.



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