
Roles allow you to define ways of grouping the people in your organisation

The following are some examples of roles you may wish to create:

Sales Representative Regular Drivers School Driver Coach Captains
Office Staff Emergency Rail Driver Urban Driver Casual Casual
Workshop Staff Cleaners Charter Driver Wants extra work

Note: There is no limit to the number of roles you can create, how many people you add into each role, or how many roles a person is a member of.

User permissions

All users with access to the system will be able to make use of the roles within the system, but only those added to the COP_People AAD group will be able to add or update roles.

Creating a role

  1. Select Roles under the Configuration menu on the People page.
  2. Click in the header to create a new role.
  3. Enter a name.

Note: The name must be unique.

  1. Answer the relevant questions regarding the permissions of this role as outlined below.
  2. Click Submit.

Options available inside a role

Default for driver allocation

Roles that have this question set to yes will be included as the default filter when viewing the driver view of the allocations page.

This means that when you open the driver view of the allocations page, the list of staff members you see will only be those who are assigned to roles that have this question set to yes.

Note: There is no limit to the number of roles you can define as part of the default filter.

If you don’t have any roles with the option ‘Default for Driver Allocations’ set to yes, then by default, all staff members will be shown when you open the driver view of the allocations page.

Shown in salesperson list

Staff members assigned to any roles that have this question set to yes will appear in the list of available sales representatives when creating or maintaining quotes.

Note: You will need to have at least one role with the question answered yes in order to see any staff members in the list of sales people.

Shown in reportable event contact person list

Staff members assigned to any roles that have this field set to yes will appear in the list of contact persons when creating reportable events.

Note: You will need to have at least one role with the question answered yes in order to see any staff members in the list of contact persons for the event.

After hours alert recipient

Staff members assigned to any roles that have this field set to yes will receive an SMS alert, if a driver doesn’t clock on by the clock on time set in the job, and the time of day is within a set range, specific to your company. Staff can be added & removed from the role as required to change who the recipient of the SMS will be on any given day. The mobile phone number entered in the staff member’s profile will be used for the SMS.

❕Note: An active SMS subscription service, such as Twilio, is required.

Viewing roles

  1. Select Roles under the Configuration menu on the People page.
  2. Find the role you wish to view on the list, or use the search tool 🔍 to narrow the results.
  3. Click the name of the role to open the Manage Role view.

Editing roles

  1. From the Manage Role view, click the edit icon ✏ in the header.

  2. Make the appropriate changes to the name or any of the questions.

    Note: If renaming the role, the new name must be unique.

  3. To save the changes, click Submit.

Deleting roles

  1. From the Manage Role view, select Delete Role from the Triple Dot Menu.
  2. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed with deleting the role. If so, click Ok.

Warning: Deleting a role is permanent and will automatically remove all staff assignments to this role.

Adding and removing staff members from inside a role

To edit the staff members assigned to a role:

  1. From People → Configuration → Roles
  2. Select the role you would like to add or remove staff members from ****
  3. To add staff members to the role, click on the + Add Staff Member and select the staff from the dropdown list.
  4. To remove staff from the role, click on the 🗑️ bin symbol next to their name.

Adding and removing roles from staff members

To assign roles to a staff member:

  1. Open the list of staff members from PeopleStaff Members.
  2. Find the relevant staff member using either the search tool 🔍 or the filter and click their name to open their profile page.
  3. Select the Roles tab from the right-hand section of their profile page. This will list all the roles they are currently members of.
  4. Click + Add A Role to view the available roles they can be added to.

Note: Staff members can only be added to a role once.

  1. Choose the role to add and click Ok.

To remove a role from a staff member:

  1. In the Roles tab on the staff members profile page, click the bin icon 🗑️ next to the role to be removed.
  2. You will be prompted for confirmation that you want to remove the role - if so, click Ok.

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