Defects are entered into the system to alert the workshop team when maintenance is required on an asset. Defects can be raised from a variety of sources including tablets fitted to vehicles, the driver’s kiosk, the mechanic’s kiosk, the operations module & the workshop module.
From the Operations or Workshop tile page, under Top Tasks select Raise a Defect.
Select the vehicle & enter the defect description.
Mark vehicle out of service will be defaulted to no, select yes if the vehicle should be kept off the road until workshop can fix the problem.
🧠 Learn more about vehicles marked out of service
Reported by name & date will be defaulted to the current user & the current day but can be changed if the defect is being raised on behalf of someone else.
Click Submit to save the new defect**.**
Open the menu using the menu button ☰ in the top left corner.
Click on Raise Defect, then click Add Defect from the top right corner.
Enter the description of the defect and click Submit.
❕Note: The asset for the defect will automatically be set to the vehicle the tablet is signed in to. The reported by field will be automatically set to the driver that is logged in, and the reported date will default to the current date.
❕Note: The reported by will be automatically set to the mechanic that is logged in, and the reported date will default to the current date.
❕Note: The reported by will be automatically set to the driver that is logged in, and the reported date will default to the current date.
Vehicles can be marked out of service while a defect is being entered via the operations or workshop modules. Defects entered via the kiosks or tablet can be edited & marked out of service by either operations or workshop staff if the defect requires the vehicle to not be driven.
Vehicles will be marked out of service for 2.5 days by default. If the out of service period ends on a weekend, the out of service period will be extended to midday on Monday to give workshop staff enough time to schedule a repair.
When a job is scheduled to fix the defect that caused the vehicle to be marked out of service, the out of service time will be set to end, at that job’s scheduled finish time. This allows the operations team to allocate the vehicle
If the out of service time ends & no job has been scheduled to fix the defect or the scheduled job hasn’t been completed, the out of service time will automatically extend to ensure the vehicle cannot be sent out on a job without the issue being fixed. The out of service time will continue to be extended indefinitely, until the defect has been fixed & the vehicle has been marked as fit for service.
To address situations such as having identical defects raised by multiple drivers, or perhaps having defects raised that don’t qualify as requiring attention (for example cosmetic issues), the workshop admins have the ability to close defects without requiring a fix. To review the list of newly raised defects for any that might need to be closed with fixing:
Navigate to the Workshop page, and click the Unacknowledged Defects tile. This will open the Defects list page pre-filtered for unacknowledged defects (where Status = ‘Defect Created’).
From the Manage Defect page, select Close Defect Without Fixing from the Triple Dot Menu.
Provide a reason, and click Ok.
❕Note: The same option is available from the Defects list page by clicking the inline Triple Dot Menu in the Actions column.
From the Manage Defect page, select Acknowledge Defect from the Triple Dot Menu.
❕Note: The same options are available from the Defects page as shown below.
From the Home page on the mechanic’s kiosk, there will be a list showing the last 20 defects that have been raised and are still unacknowledged (has a status of ‘Defect Created’).
Clicking on a defect will show the defect details and any other relevant information to the mechanic.
Mechanic’s aren’t able to close a defect from the kiosk (Close Defect Without Fixing), but they can start work immediately to address the issue by clicking Start Now. This will:
When a defect is raised, a future task is automatically created and linked to the defect. The task is where the work (labour) and parts are recorded that are used to resolve the issue. To view the linked future task:
From the Manage Defect page, view the Linked Tasks tab on the right-hand side.
Click the Task Number to open the Manage Task page.
To schedule the task to be actioned, click Schedule This Task from the Triple Dot Menu.
❕Note: While the task has the status of ‘Future’, you have the opportunity to close the defect without fixing it within the Manage Task view. To do this, select Close Task and Defect without fixing. This will mark the defect as ‘Closed’, and will cancel the task at the same time.
Choose to either:
Click Schedule
When the task is completed, the defect that is linked to the task will have it’s status updated to ‘Closed’.