
The daily event log allows the operations team to define their own subject categories and then record events based on those categories for later review.

The daily event log also displays entries made by drivers in the ‘Anything to Report’ section of their job completion details on the kiosk. These driver report entries are displayed on a tile on the Operations Page.

Creating a new daily event log entry

  1. Navigate to OperationsDaily Event Log.

  2. Click in the header to add a new event.

  3. On the Create Daily Event Log Entry page, enter the required fields, including the date and time the event occurred , the Subject, and relevant Comments about the incident or event.

  4. If the event is about a route or service, you can also enter the name or number of the Route/Service, the Staff Member and the Vehicle involved.

  5. Once all the relevant information has been entered, click Submit.


🧠 Learn more about Daily Event Log Subject Lists

Viewing and editing daily event log entries

  1. Navigate to OperationsDaily Event Log.
  2. Find the event you wish to view by using the search icon 🔍 in the header or the filter 🔽 icon in the footer.
  3. Click the Event Log No to open the event.
  4. On the Manage Daily Event Log Entry page, click the Edit icon ✏ in the header.
  5. Make the desired changes, then click Submit.

Acknowledging driver’s ‘Anything to report’ events

Drivers can raise events for the operations team to action via the driver’s kiosk. These will appear on the Operations page as a number in the tile ‘Jobs with Driver Reports from the last seven days’.


Clicking the tile will open the Daily Event Log view with a preset filter of:

Once the operations team have actioned the event, they can be flagged as Acknowledged by:

  1. Clicking the Event Log No that you wish to flag as acknowledged.
  2. From the Manage Daily Event Log Entry page, select Acknowledge from the Triple Dot Menu.
  3. Events that have been acknowledged will display a black tick ✔️ in the title next to the event log number.

Deleting a daily event log

  1. From the Daily Event Log, click the Event Log No for the event to be deleted.
  2. Click Delete Daily Event Log Entry from the Triple Dot Menu.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed with deleting the entry - if so, click Delete.

Exporting to Excel

This will export a results table to Excel with all the event information, including the Event Log. No, when the event occurred, the Subject, relevant Route/Service information and the Comments are based on the filter you have applied before running the export. To export the data:

  1. Navigate to OperationsDaily Event Log.
  2. Set the filters you wish to run through the export.
  3. Click Export to Excel from the Triple Dot Menu.

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