Working with Filters

Many of the list screens allow you to filter the data you’re seeing by clicking the filter button, often located at the bottom of the screen, & applying filters:


This will open a panel showing you all of the available filters for the screen you’re viewing.


Once you have selected your filters, click Apply

To exit out of the filter view, click the close button X

Default Filters

Some lists have predefined default filters.

A couple of examples are:

If you want to reset the filter back to its default setting, click the Default button and any user defined options will be replaced by the defaults.


Removing Applied Filters

When viewing a list page, you will be able to see the filters that have been applied, across the bottom of the page:

You can remove any of the filters by clicking the X.


Making Filter Selections

Tri-state Options

Tri-state options such as the one shown above, implements the following filter logic:

Select Options

Select options as shown above allow you to choose from the list of presented options. You can do this by expanding the list and choosing an option or by typing into the field. When you type into the field, it will narrow the options based on the text entered as shown below.

Multi-Select Options

Multi-Select options work in much the same way as the Select Options in that there is a list of predefined choices, but instead of only being able to pick one, you will be able to pick multiple options.

When a list view returns results based on multiple selections, all results that meet any of the selected criteria will be shown.

Date Range Options

Date Range options provides a way to filter the results in which a date falls between the start and end dates entered.

To enter a date, you can either click the calendar button which will open a calendar picker, or you can type the date into the field.

Pro Tip - If the date you want to enter is in the current month & year, you can just enter the day & then tab or click out of the field & the rest of the date will be set to the current month & year by default.

Text Options

Text options allow for free text to be entered as part of the filter criteria. The example above will return all workshop tasks that have the text 'valve adjustment' in their completion details.

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