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We have expanded the information available on a staff members profile with the addition of three new tabs: Training, Compliance, and History.
Displays all completed Route Training and General Training jobs for the staff member.
Lists any School Code of Conduct reports, Fatigue Breach Events, and Customer Complaints associated with the staff member.
Tracks changes made to the staff member’s profile, including the date, time, and the user who made the change.
We’ve added a new feature for setting up preventative maintenance plans, allowing components to be defined at a ‘Days or Kms’ interval. This enhancement ensures that you will be prompted for servicing or replacement based on whatever interval (days or kilometres) occurs first.
To configure this, navigate to Workshop → Component Types. You can create a new component type or update the interval type for an existing component to include both days and kilometers.
For more information, see the knowledge base article on **Component Types.**
Preventative Maintenance plans are now accessible within the Servicing tab of each asset.
From the plan, you can:
To set the initial service schedule for a component, adjust the Override Service Date, Override Service Kms, or both to indicate when the first service is due.
For more information, see the knowledge base article on **Preventative Maintenance.**
The Components Register within each asset has been simplified by moving most fields to the new Preventative Maintenance screen. This change streamlines the register’s purpose, making it primarily a place for maintaining component serial numbers.