
Splitting jobs allows you to split one job into multiple jobs.

The most common use of splitting jobs is turning one all day job into two separate transfers, one in the AM & one in the PM.

How to split a job

  1. Find the job you want to split & Click the job number to access the Manage Job page.

  2. Scroll down to the routes section & you will see a scissors icon next to the routes where a split can take place.


  3. Click the scissors icon (✂️) next to the point where you would like the split to take place & the Split Job menu will open.

  4. What you need to fill out in the Split Job window is the finish details for the first half of the split (Job 1) & the start details for the second half (Job 2).

    Note❕: You are also able to update the descriptions for each job

  5. You need to check the Arrive & Depart times on the boarding points to make sure they are still valid & any missing times are entered.

Split job window


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