
Customers list

  1. Navigate to SalesCustomers to view a list of customer names, email addresses, phone numbers and whether or not each customer has a trading account.

  2. The customer list is searchable using the search tool 🔍 located in the header.

  3. Click on a customer’s name to view their details.


Customer exports

There are two exports you can perform from the triple dot menu on the customers list page.

Export To Excel

This will export a list of customers to Excel including all details from the customer’s file.

If you have performed a search on the list screen prior to running the export, the export will only include records based on the filtered results.

Export Quote Conversion and Spending

This will export a report to Excel showing the number of conversions from quotes to bookings as well as the revenue by customer.

You have the option of narrowing the results based on the quote date as well as customers who have trading accounts or not.

The results will be based on any search criteria or filters you have applied on the customer list page.


Creating a new customer

  1. Click the + on the top right of the Customers page.

  2. Enter the customer’s details

    Note: All fields marked with * are required.

    Note: Customer names must be unique.

  3. Click Submit

Trading Accounts

Customers with trading accounts can be billed after bookings have been completed, whereas customers without trading accounts are processed as cash sales and must be paid before a booking commences.

Editing a customer

  1. To edit a customer, find & select the customer you would like to edit, click the Edit icon ✏ in the header.
  2. Make the required changes and click Submit.


Deleting a customer

  1. Find the customer you want to delete using the search tool 🔎.

  2. Click the customer's name to view their account details.

  3. Click the delete icon 🗑 in the header to delete their account.

    Note: Customers can only be deleted if they haven't been selected in any Quotes or Bookings. You won't see the delete icon when viewing a customer account that has had quotes or bookings created for them.

  4. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed with deleting the customer - if so, click Ok.

Customer notes

You are able to add a note to a customer’s profile so that every time that customer is selected for a new quote, the notes will be displayed under Customer File Notes:

  1. On the customer’s page, Click on the Notes tab

  2. Click + Add Note

  3. Enter the note for the customer

  4. Click Submit.



Customer contacts

A customer contact is an individual associated with a customer, who is responsible for organising and accepting the quote. Contacts are able to be selected when creating or editing quotes and bookings. This could be, for instance, the person from the customer’s accounts team, or perhaps an onsite contact for the upcoming trip.

Multiple contacts can be added for each customer.

You can add, edit and delete contacts from within the Manage Customer page.

Adding a new contact

  1. Select the customer from the list to view the customer account.
  2. Under the Contacts tab, click + Add Contact.
  3. Enter the contacts details, then click Ok.

Editing a contact

  1. Under the Contacts tab, click the edit icon ✏ next to the contact you want to edit.
  2. Edit the relevant contacts details, then click Ok.

Deleting a contact

  1. Under the Contacts tab, click the delete icon 🗑 next to the contact you want to delete.

    Note: Contacts can only be deleted if they haven't been associated with any Quotes or Bookings. You won't see the delete icon next to a contact that has been added to quotes or bookings.

  2. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed with deleting the contact - if so, click Ok.

Charter Contracts

If a customer has one or more charter contracts associated with their profile, a contracts tab will be shown on the right of the screen. The contracts tab will display a list of all contracts for that customer.

To view or edit the contract details, click on the contract name.


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