
In the leadup to a booking starting, you have two options if you need to cancel the booking, you can Cancel or Cancel In Progress.

Both options are available via the triple dot menu inside the booking.

The Cancel option is only available up until the time when one of the jobs gets started on a tablet.

The Cancel In Progress option can be used before or after a booking has started.

Canceling a booking will delete all associated jobs and mark the booking as Cancelled. If there were any drivers allocated to the now deleted jobs, Operations will be sent an email with the details so those drivers can be allocated to other work.


Canceling a booking in progress will leave all jobs in place but mark them as Cancelled In Progress. Leaving the jobs in place, allows drivers to enter completion details against them & be paid for their time as well as record kilometres travelled.

If the booking is cancelled far enough in advance that the jobs are no longer required, but charges still need to be passed onto the customer, the jobs should be manually deleted, which leaves only the booking for the accounting team to process.

Note: Jobs can also be individually cancelled in progress via the triple dot menu inside the job. One of the more common scenarios where jobs may need to be cancelled in progress is where multiple vehicles were booked, but not all vehicles were required on the day.